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District 4-L4 Officers

District Governor

Scott Quinlan (Lion Diane)

1st Vice District Governor

Roger Mahaffey (Lion Linda)

2nd Vice District Governor

Marianne Allen (Michael)

Global Action Team Leader

PDG Mark Piva

GMT Women & Family

Lynda Durand (PCC Craig)


Kurt Bensworth (Lion Sandra)

Associate Chaplain

Michael Farrar

District Marketing

Angie Huezo (Lion Rudy)

Pediatric Cancer

Vicky Sasser

Cabinet Secretary / Treasurer

Diane Quinlan

Immediate PDG

PDG Drew Sasser

LCIF Chair

PDG Steve Lacey

GMT Coordinator

Scott Newton (Lion Cathy)

GLT Coordinator

PCC Craig Durand (Lion Lynda)

GST Coordinator

Mike Zozaya (Lion Cheryl)

District Chaplain

PDG Judy Schnitzer

Hunger Chair

Steve Christy

Vision & VSP Chair

Cathy Newton

Diabetes Chair

Rudy Huezo (Lion Angie)

District Leo Chairperson

Cindee Quan

Peace Poster Chair

Jennifer Kelder

Eyeglass Collection

Gary Bean

California Lions Foundation

PDG John Schroeder

Environmental Chair

Nicole M Muller

Zone Chairs

Zone A Chair

Jeff Campana

Zone B Chair

Kari Schlagheck

Zone C Chair

Catherine Badame

Zone D Chair

Brian Quan
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